Syamsul 'isul' Arifin

kartunis dan desainer

Thu, Nov 7, 2019

Tips Installing HP Laserjet Pro M12a Printer on Debian Linux Machine

Even has provided driver for HP Laserjet Pro M12a Printer, sometimes the printer is not work perfectly. Need additional touch to could print perfectly. Below are the tips to install HP Laserjet Pro M12a Printer on Debian Linux Machine.

  1. Install last updated driver from Follow the instruction from that website.
  2. You can add printer via Print Settings (system-config-printer package). But if this is failed, use cups browse by open http://localhost:631/. Don’t forget to install CUPS before. If your printer is not detected, try to add your username to lpadmin group.
sudo usermod -a -G lpadmin username
  1. After added printer, just try to test printing many times. If the test successed only first task and failed in next task, make rules in udev by making a file for example, “60-hp.rules”. Put the file in /etc/udev/rules.d folder. The file content is…
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="IDVENDOR", ATTR{idProduct}=="IDPRODUCT", GROUP="lp", MODE="0664"

Replace IDVENDOR and IDPRODUCT with yours. You can get them by typing commandline “lsusb” on terminal. The completed content maybe like below ..

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="03f0", ATTR{idProduct}=="942a", GROUP="lp", MODE="0664"
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